Trans-Pacific Partnership

Can Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders And Sherrod Brown Stop The TPP?

Fox Business host Melissa Francis yesterday: "Without question, Elizabeth Warren is the devil"Last week we looked at the growing opposition within the Democratic Party to the corporate trade policies-- particularly the Trans Pacific Partnership-- Obama is teaming up with McConnell and Boehner to ram through the Republican-controlled Congress next year.

Obama Partners Up With Big Business And The Republicans To Screw Over American Workers With The TPP

If there's one lesson Obama should learn from Bill Clinton's presidency, it's around NAFTA, which has been a catastrophe for the American middle and working class-- and pretty much everyone else it's impacted other than a handful of oligarchs and plutocrats. Instead, Obama is determined to deliver for Big Business the same way Clinton did.

Economic isolation breach of international law: Putin

Top 5 takeaways from Putin ahead of G20 RT |  November 14, 2014 Russian President Vladimir Putin (RIA Novosti/Mikhail Klementiev) Vladimir Putin says the G20 must address global imbalances together, and economic isolation, especially in the case of sanctions, which not only leads nowhere but is a crude violation of international economic law. Here are […]

Globalization's Impact On The 99% Is Overwhelmingly Negative-- So The New Congress Is Sure To Push It

Obama, Boehner and McConnell, political enemies, all feel they need to show the American people they can do something together that they can cooperate on. Remember Obama on Wednesday assuring the American people he heard us? "I'm eager to work with the new Congress to make the next two years as productive as possible.

Is Another Aspect Of The TPP They Hid From Us, Legally Stoning Gays?

Psychotic assholes"Money and principle," Orlando Congressman Alan Grayson told me this morning, "are battling for U.S. foreign policy supremacy. Money is winning." He was referring particularly to trade policy, especially the TransPacific Partnership on which he is probably the top congressional expert. Congress appears to be slowing the TPP down a little, but, alas, not killing it off. Maybe a Hollywood boycott, though, can help.Ever hear of Brunei?

Just Say No-- To Fast-Tracking The Corporate "Free" Trade Agenda

Let me reiterate an old story. Bush I signed the NAFTA treaty at the end of 1992. Bush couldn't get it through Congress so he left his Wall Street/Chamber of Commerce baby in Clinton's hands and Clinton put responsibility for getting House Dems to get on board in the hands of a then little known White House thug from Chicago, Rahm Emanuel. Emanuel was still bragging, threateningly, at the time that he had lost a finger fighting off a Syria tank on the Golan Heights.