
Proof of God’s Existence & Logos – Jay Dyer with Rational Rise

#logos #philosophy #atheism James Higgins asked me on to discuss the transcendental argument and my previous debates. We assess the Matt Dillahunty debate, the Stefan debate and more, as well as discussing logic, metalogical claims and the notion of energies and the Trinity, as well as my analyses of Hollywood films.


No-Go Zone: Anti-Scandinavian SAS Commercial Backfires, Now the Blame Game Begins - Hour 1

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik talks about the hateful SAS (Scandinavian Airlines) commercial that claimed that Scandinavia doesn't have any unique or original culture. Their woke statement was that everything Scandinavian has simply been "borrowed." An avalanche of outraged cause the company to set the video to private, now on day 3, they made it public again but have initiated a campaign to blame Russia & right-wing troll Twitter accounts.

Antichrist Explained – Jay Dyer

In this video I give a primer on the figure of the antichrist and attempt to dispel the sensationalism and Hollywood picture of this real figure. I cover the biblical types and symbols, including the significance of 666 as it relates to St. John’s valid use of gematria. Far from the nonsense of evangelical hysteria, Matthew 24 and Luke 21 provide keys to understanding the immediate historical context of the Apocalypse as Nero and 70 AD, while also having a future, mirrored sense.

Hot Topics – Jay Dyer with Cartoonist Made by Jimbob

Made by Jimbob suggested a conversation where he would interview me (?) on my channel, so I said ok, and I guess I’ll also cross-interview him. Jimbob is an American satirical cartoonist whose crude and often hyperbolic depictions reduce complex social and political issues to their core principles. Jimbob lived in Los Angeles, CA for 15 years which exposed him to the many characters and situations he draws today. He now resides in Colorado with his family. LIVE AT 10PM EST 

Orthodoxy & Rome Exchange – Jay Dyer / Clayton Muirhead

An impromptu challenger emerged on Twitter. Clayton Muirhead expressed an interest in my debates and topics and was eager to have an exchange on the history of the papacy and the different conceptions in Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy in terms of the Triad, the office of Peter and the Christological implications of the essence-energy distinction.

Substitutionary Atonement? Christology, Essence – Energy BK III – Ep 9 – Jay Dyer (Half)

We return to Defense of the Orthodox Faith, Book III to demonstrate the obvious teaching of St. John the essence-energy distinction directly impacts Christology, which directly impacts sacramentology and the doctrine of deification (as opposed to created grace in Rome). We also see how the doctrine refutes similar errors in Protestantism, including their heretical Nestorian atonement doctrine. We will also touch in the lack of any gnomic will in Christ and how this relates to proper anthropology and the doctrine of grace.