trade policies

TPP Deal Has Been Signed But... It Still Has No Basis In Law. Bernie Would Scrap It; Would The Establishment Candidates?

When I was around 16 I decided to leave home and go to the most remote place on earth, an island kingdom called Tonga. I hitch-hiked from Brooklyn to San Pedro (the Los Angeles harbor) to stow away on a ship to Hawaii so I could stow away on a ship to New Zealand so I could get on the twice annual mail boat to Tonga. And start my new life. I got caught hiding in a lifeboat on the first ship before the ship to Hawaii had left San Pedro. Chances are something would have gone wrong sooner or later on that plan.

The Rorschach Candidacy of Hillary Clinton

Thom Hartmann on Donald Trump's other strong appeal to Republican voters (hint: Think Ross Perot). People who like Trump for this reason are potential Sanders voters. Mainstream Democratic trade policy, another party problem, is discussed Gaius PubliusSchedule note: This will be the last piece for a few weeks from me. Writing will resume the third week of August.