Track Palin

Track Palin Is Still Beating Up Women But The Right-Wing Media Is Too Busy Smearing Linda Sansour To Notice

Remember Track Palin? He's Sarah's oldest son. 28 now. He has a history of violence (while on meth)-- primarily towards women. Early in 2016 he beat up his girlfriend, punching her in the face and then kicking her while she was down on the floor. He brandished an AR-15 and eventually pleaded guilty to misconduct involving weapons and for possessing a weapon while "intoxicated" but was never charged with violence towards his girlfriend. But at least Al Franken has been forced out of public office.

Maybe Trump Will Eventually Think Of Even More Ways To Trivialize The GOP Primary Contest

I don't remember if Palin's son Track (above, with his legs in the air invitingly) and her kind-of-son-in-law Levi ever actually became gay porno stars or not. I do remember that about a decade ago Track was arrested for vandalizing the entire Wasilla school bus fleet and that he decided to join the Army instead of serve time in jail.