
4 Awesome Tools for a Whole-Body Fluoride Detox

Fluoride is undoubtedly one of the hardest toxins to avoid completely as it appears in both drinking water and countless food items. Fluoride is also present in popular prescription drugs i.e. Prozac, among other places such as swimming pools and hot tubs. So what is one to do? You can certainly take measures to avoid fluoride exposure, but that isn’t all; try utilizing one of the 4 fluoride-detox solutions below.

Sick: ‘Intolerable Levels’ of Monsanto’s Glyphosate Found in Breast Milk

After testing 16 women from different regions all over Germany, the Green Party has found that traces of the chemical glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide Round Up, are appearing in breast milk at ‘intolerable levels’ that could harm a developing baby and the mother.

New Study: Monsanto’s Herbicides are Breeding Super Bugs

Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it had classified glyphosate, the United States’ most widely used herbicide chemical, as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” As if we need another reason to ban Roundup (which contains glyphosate), there is now evidence that the chemicals in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide also cause antibiotic resistance in harmfu

75% of Air and Rain Samples Contain Monsanto’s Round Up

A new study proves just how invasive Monsanto’s best selling chemicals are, revealing how herbicide toxins are appearing in 75% of rain and air samples.
Take a deep breath. Thanks to the massive use of herbicides across the planet, you likely just inhaled a dose of Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide, Round Up – at least according to the latest US Geological Survey published in the journal Enviromental Toxicology and Chemistry.

Researchers Discover Glyphosate Herbicide in Honey, Soy Sauce

How ubiquitous is Monsanto’s RoundUp herbicide, really? Researchers have discovered that a chemical in the world’s most used herbicide – RoundUp – is tainting the world’s food supply at large. It was recently found that this chemical, known as glyphosate, is present concerning amounts in honey and soy sauce.
For the study, researchers from Abraxis LLC and Boston University purchased sample sizes of various foods to analyze levels of glyphosate. Bought from the Philadelphia, US metropolitan area, the following foods were analyzed: