toxicity of Donald Trump

The Republican Party Stares Demographic Trumpocyde In The Face

Many Republican elders and strategists aren't worrying about Trump losing badly in November. They know that's going to happen and they know he's doing to pull down a number of Republican elected officials with him. Even before Trump won the nomination, everyone knew that the careers of, for example, Ron Johnson (R-WI), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Frank Guinta (R-NH) and Cresent Hardy (R-NV) were probably toast.

If He'll Sell Them Out On Xenophobia, Can Trump's Fans Trust Him On Anything At All?

Despite all the hubbub in recent days, Team Trumpanzee isn't grappling for a coherent immigration policy, just a p.r. approach that can appease suburban voters who shun overt racism, xenophobia and gratuitous viciousness while not turning off Trump's base among racists, xenophobes and the gratuitously vicious. Republican Party operative Stuart Stevens hasn't been impressed. He referred to the Trumpanzee Campaign as "utter chaos [and] a smash and grab operation, not a campaign." The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has always remained neutral in presidential races-- until this year.

The Pivot Has Come-- But, Predictably, In The Wrong Direction

By last February, long before it was no longer tenable for even Trump to keep clinging to Manafort-- now exposed as a well-paid operative of Vladimir Putin's-- Glenn Beck was routinely accusing the Breitbart website of being an arm of the Trump campaign and, according to likening its executive chairman, Steve Bannon, to Hitler's propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

Trump's Loss Will Be Shatteringly Personal-- And Devastating To The GOP Up And Down The Ballot

Still harping on the made-up "fact" that Obama founded ISIS-- which he supposedly walked back last week-- Trump was at an ill-conceived rally in Fairfield, Connecticut Saturday evening, warning voters he'd "never, ever forgive" them if he loses. "I will never, ever forgive the people of Connecticut. I will never forgive the people of Florida. Pennsylvania and Ohio..."When Trump loses in a jaw-dropping landslide in November-- virtually wiped out, outside the hatred-and-resentment-fueled Deep South-- it will be a very personal defeat.