Total Surveillance Society

Senators Finally Discover That CIA Is Using A Secret Program To Collect Data On American Citizens

In 2015, a CIA whistleblower who actually created the software to spy on foreign terror threats, revealed that the CIA had turned the surveillance weapon against American citizens. The CIA and the NSA are generally barred from investigating Americans or U.S. businesses, but alas, they operate outside the law with impunity.

Charge: U.S. Capitol Police Spying On Members Of Congress, Staff

To the Technocrat mind, surveillance is seen as some sort of divine right that gives them a moral free pass to look at anything they choose to look at. In this case, the Capitol Police appear to have been flipped into a type of  Praetorian Guard for the radical left to spy on certain Congressmen and their staff. In a sane world, congressional and staff perpetrators would be summarily ejected from the capitol.

Transportation Secretary Buttigieg Sparks Massive Surveillance Speed Camera Nightmare

One way to defund the police is to obsolete their usefulness, like making face-to-face traffic stops to rein in dangerous drivers. Speed cameras have already been outlawed in many cities and some states, thus setting up direct conflict with federal mandates. The second aspect is continuous, mass surveillance of citizens.

‘Vehicle Kill Switches’ Now Mandated In New Cars By 2026

To the delight of UN Sustainable Development ideologues and control-freak Technocrats, private car ownership in America has suffered a fatal blow. Vehicle "kill switches" are now mandated by 2026 in Biden's infrastructure bill that was just signed into law. Those who warned in December that this was in the bill were called 'conspiracy theorists'.

New Cars In EU Will Now Include ‘Black Box’ To Track And Record Behavior

Technocrats are obsessive-compulsive about collecting sensor data on everything that moves, processes or functions. Vehicles are the perfect target for ubiquitous data harvesting and of course, police will be the first to have access to the new treasure trove. To suggest that data will be anonymized and available to other entitieis such as insurance companies, is ludicrous.