
Des activistes dénoncent le soutien de Total au régime militaire birman

Source : Reporterre Pour que Total cesse de financer le régime militaire en Birmanie, plusieurs militants ont organisé une action devant le siège du géant pétrolier. Ils réclament la mise sous séquestre des taxes et autres impôts que reverse Total à la junte birmane. Lire l’article complet sur Reporterre Un homme au crâne explosé. Un […]

First tanker crosses northern sea route without ice breaker (Because it is one anyway!)

By Paul Homewood | Not A Lot Of People Know That | August 25, 2017 A commercial LNG tanker has sailed across the colder, northern route from Europe to Asia without the protection of an ice-breaker for the first time. The specially-built ship completed the crossing in just six-and-a-half days setting a new record, according […]

Total’s Report On Amazon Reef Drilling Reveals Oil Spill Risk To Nearby Countries

The controversial offshore oil project in the mouth of the Amazon river could pose significant spill risk to nearby countries, according to documents from drilling giant Total.
The findings have led to the company to disown key parts of its own Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
In a statement to Energydesk, Total said: “The countries and numbers you mention refer to a scenario in a specific location where Total will never drill.”

Oil Giants Admit Risk Of Spill In Drilling Project Near Amazon Reef

People stand together to spell out a message that reads in Portuguese: “Defend the Amazon coral reef”, on Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 29, 2017. The event is a protest organized by the non-governmental environmental group Greenpeace against announced plans to explore for oil in the Amazon River Basin. (AP/Mario Lobao)
The controversial offshore oil drilling project in the mouth of the Amazon river could pose a significant risk to the mysterious nearby coral reef, according to documents filed by Total and BP.

Qatar, Iran, a French gas company and one natural gas field

Today, the French gas and oil company Total has announced the finalisation of a $4.8 billion deal with Iran to cultivate and develop the South Pars gas field in the Persian Gulf.
This is the first major foreign investment in Iran’s lucrative energy market since the so-called ‘Iran deal’ went into effect, a deal which the EU has just confirmed is still being fully observed by the Iranian government.

BP, Total Set To Drill Near Newly Discovered Amazonian Coral Reef

(Photo/berardo62 via Flickr)
BP and Total are planning to drill for oil near a recently discovered coral reef off the coast of Brazil, Energydesk can reveal.
Together the oil majors own five deepwater exploration licences in the Foz do Amazonas (Mouth of the Amazon River) basin and are expected to be granted permits to begin exploratory drilling early this year – once their environmental impact assessments are approved by the Brazilian government.