
Those Abandoning Blue States Should Abandon Democrats, Too

by Trevor Thomas, American Thinker: A recent New York Post article declared that, in a “staggering exodus,” in 2022, more residents of New York moved to Florida “than any other year in history.”  The article reveals, A staggering 64,577 Empire Staters exchanged their driver’s licenses for the Sunshine State version last year, according to figures from the […]

“The Biggest Financial Scandal in U.S. Political History” (And the most radioactive, too!)

from State Of The Nation: A Cryptocurrency Criminal Conspiracy Exposes Yet Another Democrat Scheme For Stealing Elections Submitted by The Armchair Crypto Analyst SOTN Exclusive Let’s be very clear: the “FTX-Alameda Mega Scandal” is no ordinary financial scam or crazy crypto con or money laundering operation or campaign finance crime spree. TRUTH LIVES on at Yes, it […]