Tom Wakely

House Republicans Take A Stand: For Bigotry Against LGBT Families

Paul Ryan needs to understand bigotry is not wonkySean Patrick Maloney, a New Dem from New York's Lower Hudson Valley (parts of Orange, Dutchess, Putnam and Westchester counties) has two functions in Congress: to slavishly serve the interests of the Wall Street banksters and to push LGBT equality; he's a gay conservative.

A Narrow Path To Victory For A Texas Berniecrat-- And Well Worth The Fight!

-by Zack Lyke,Campaign Manager Wakely 2016Lamar Smith has been in Congress for 29 years. I'll be 29 years old this August. That's not an important benchmark for me by any stretch, but the month will also mark the 20th full year that Lamar Smith has been my Congressman. Now that's quite the anniversary.Perhaps few people are more aware of the challenge that lies ahead of this campaign than the guy who's managing it.