Tom Wakely

In Paul Ryan's Make Believe World, Obama Paid The Iranians Ransom; He Didn't... But Ryan Passed A Resolution About It Anyway

Republicans are still embarrassed about how Reagan got caught in what came to be known as the Iran-Contra scandal. It started as a scheme to ransom 7 U.S. hostages being held in Lebanon by having Israel sell U.S. weapons to Iran and the U.S. replacing those weapons for Israel. Oliver North's twist was to have the Iranian money shipped to fascist rebels in Nicaragua (the Contras).

Opportunity For Clinton Victory In Texas? Don't Buy The Hype

Although educated women in the Texas Republican heartland-- the suburban belts around Houston, San Antonio, Austin and Dallas-Fort Worth-- have turned against Señor Trumpanzee, the Washington Post/Survey Monkey poll released yesterday that shows Hillary leading in the Lone Star State shouldn't be taken to mean she's actually going to win Texas' 38 electoral college votes; she's not.

Voters Are Starting To Catch On That GOP Obstructionism Could Be Dangerous The Their Families' Health

Paul Ryan and his utterly dysfunctional House Republican conference is riven with so much in-fighting and back-stabbing and with so many ideological purity tests that they can't get anything done-- not even the most basic functions of government. The Florida delegation-- both Democrats and Republicans-- have been begging and are now demanding that Ryan call Congress back into session to deal with the Zika crisis.

America's Infrastructure Is A Shambles-- And It Will Get Much Worse As Long As Conservatives Worship The Concept Of Low Taxes For The Ultra-Wealthy

This morning, I was speaking with one of the congressional candidates Blue America is most enthusiastic about this cycle, Paul Clements from southwest Michigan. He's running for the seat held by Energy Committee chairman Fred Upton (MI-06) and he told me that "the biggest holes in investment in America, if we were going to promote broad-based economic growth, are in infrastructure and education.

Between Señor Trumpanzee And Lamar Smith, The GOP Will Not Be Dialing Back Their War On Science This Year

One ominous development we've been watching with alarm this cycle is the DCCC's systematic discounting of the public's preferences in primaries. It seems that every time a progressive wins, the DCCC decides the district is "not winnable" and they immediately abandon the winner and the district.