Tom Vilsack

Biden’s “America the Beautiful” Vision Ignores Feds’ Dreadful Record

American Institute for Economic Research, May 10, 2011 Biden’s “America the Beautiful” Vision Ignores Feds’ Dreadful Record by James Bovard Will Biden’s “America the Beautiful” program save America’s environment? On January 27, President Joe Biden issued an executive order proclaiming “the goal of conserving at least 30 percent of our lands and waters by 2030.” […]

9 Financial Risks of Doing Business with Monsanto

An agricultural, biotech giant, Monsanto has become ‘more vulnerable than ever,’ largely due to having an unnaturally-intense poor public image. In recent times, the company has seen successive stock drops and weaker sales of its biotech-created corn and the best-selling herbicide, Roundup. The company had to report falling profits again and again, slashing jobs.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Meets with Monsanto to Discuss Agricultural ‘Advances’ for 2016

The United States Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, recently met with high-ups at Monsanto and other companies to discuss agricultural ‘advances’ for 2016. But was this really a ‘forum,’ or a way for Vilsack to promote Monsanto? And why were Monsanto insiders ever appointed to protect the safety of our food?
Vilsack’s meeting sounds more like a master conflicts of interest group get-together for the biotech and industrial agricultural model, especially when you consider who was leading the discussion:

Obama Regime Proposes Ridiculous Anti-Consumer Plan for GMO Labeling

By Gary Ruskin | February 26, 2015 Despite polls showing overwhelming support for labeling for genetically engineered foods, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack proposed yesterday that consumers should use their smartphones to scan bar codes on food packages to find out whether their food contains GMOs. Vlisack’s idea is sure to cheer the food industry, while […]