Todd Hayen

Paranoia: Is it Always a Bad Thing?

Todd Hayen “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.” Kurt Cobain What is paranoia? Usually the condition is coupled with another mental malady: schizophrenia, due to the psychosis brought about by that particular mental illness. Psychosis is described as a departure from “reality” and being a “paranoid schizophrenic” typically means the psychosis …

First, Do No Harm

Todd Hayen Medical doctors. Ya gotta love ‘em, and ya gotta hate ‘em. From Norman Rockwell’s iconic Saturday Evening Post portrait of the idyllic American doctor, to the Nazi’s rendition of eugenic “medicine” through evil incarnate Josef Mengele. Obvious to say: doctors as a whole are not all bad. But wow, what a history! And …