Thomas Jefferson

“Mr. Madison’s War”: An Imperialist War of Conquest

• Read Part One here
The United States (US) government, only 23 years old, had declared war on the British Empire, beginning Mr. Madison’s War. This article continues the series about this war, showing that the largely agrarian US engaged in an imperialist war, lasting from June 18, 1812 until February 18, 1815, with an economically and commercially superior foe, the Royal Crown.

List of books banned by Amazon

A partial list of books banned by Amazon in the first week of March 2017Editor’s Note: Every hateful Zionist book targeting Palestinians with hate speech and violence continues to be sold by Amazon, along with Simcha Jacobvici’s DVD The Lost Tomb of Jesus, denying the resurrection of Christ, and every gentile-hating volume by the collective authors (Chazal) of the Talmud Bavli. Hate is a one-way street at Amazon, and the class of people protected from it are the self-Chosen.