Thomas Jefferson

“Choose Your Liar” Democracy

American Institute for Economic Research, October 22, 2020 “Choose Your Liar” Democracy by James Bovard The final weeks of a presidential campaign is one of the best opportunities to view political perfidy in spectacular colors. While the media lectures Americans about their civic duty to vote to save the nation, the candidates continue conniving nonstop […]
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How Any President Could End Judicial Review With a Single Sentence

Krystal Ball explains judicial reviewby Thomas Neuburger"The weird thing about judicial 'originalism' is that the explicit principle of judicial review is nowhere to be found in the Constitution." —Ryan Cooper, "Democrats have a better option than court packing"The Supreme Court has no mechanism to enforce a power it was never given.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIt is often said that if you want to know where a child got their stupidity from just have a look at the parents. It's the old "apple doesn't fall far from the tree" adage. That adage is certainly true when it comes to the apple of the president's eye, Ivanka Trump. Sorry Eric, Donnie Jr. and Junior Psycho Baron, but your dad really does love your sister more.

Devin Nunes Still Needs A Hug-- And Not The Kind Of Anaconda Hug That Devin Nunes' Mom Wants To Give Him

For some reason I could never understand, no one on Twitter ever pointed out that Devin Nunes is a hermaphrodite. OK let that go by. But we really do need to ask ourselves if Nunes is a shameless partisan hack-- someone who abuses power and the legal process to injure his political opponents, who plays fast and loose with the truth to advance partisan goals, and who’s prone to conspiratorial thinking on the flimsiest of grounds. That either is or isn't the case.

Trump's Proposal Was Radical-- AOC And Elizabeth Warren Are Reformers

I wish that crazy Trump would just settle down and go spend his days playing golf again so AOC could get Congress working on a sensible agenda. You know who's work I'm really enjoying? Eric Levitz at New York Magazine. Once a poetry lecturer at Johns Hopkins, this guy has been writing excellent essays on the nexus of where politics meets the world of finance.