Think Tanks

The Spooky Subversion of American Orthodoxy – How It’s Done – Jay Dyer

The spooky movie stream will commence later, but for now I want to cover specifically how the Orthodox in America are being led into modernism and the acceptance of a host of heretical views and false beliefs, most notably the rejection of the Scriptures and its morality, and from there into the phenomena of globalism, climate change and whatever the CIA and NATO want in the Ukraine.

/POL/ Q Clearance Anon 4Chan #Happening Decoded in Full +++ (Half) – Jay Dyer

The rumor mill of 4Chan has speculated that I am a secret leaker and that the Trump Administration is about to bring the heat to the criminals. Is this “leak” real? In this talk I reverse engineer the “leak” to lead us in the accurate direction of what actually IS going on, long term. As such, Q functions as a lesson plan for real analysis.

Vid SJWs From Tavistock, Project BLUEBIRD and Laurel Canyon (Half)

In this talk I analyze Daniel Estulin’s book, The Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses and its profound conclusions. From the “corporate man” to the control of unions by the Rockefellers, the Tavistock plan of mind control and social engineering knows no bounds. Pro sports and pop culture, Beatles and LSD – as well as all of modern living have been shaped by this deep state cult.

Trump, Post-Modernism, Paradigms & Debating Worldviews

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his piece “Why I’m Finally Converted to Pro-Trump.” We talk about how Donald Trump’s election may represent a genuine challenge to globalism and to the entire Enlightenment mythos. Later we discuss Jay’s lecture on Seraphim Rose’s prophetic work Orthodoxy & the Religion of the Future – a book published in 1970s that was critical of the New Age, Eastern mysticism, Illuminism, globalism and called out alien/UFO phenomenon as a psy-op.