Think Tank

Despite Commission of Sins that Would Please Lucifer, Director of National Intelligence is Billed as Woman of Great Integrity After Winning Leadership Award at “Washington Oscars”

Avril Haines receives major leadership award despite having helped perpetrate the Russia Gate hoax, sanctioned drone assassinations, falsified intelligence, and covered up torture. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines was the big star of a gala awards ceremony hosted by the Atlantic Council that was touted as the “Washington Oscars.” The Atlantic Council is a […]

Institutional Capture Explained: The State Dept, CIA & Orthodox, Roman Catholic & Protestant Churches – Jay Dyer Pt. 1

By: Jay Dyer An Introduction to the historical and geopolitical factors of state and private interference in ecclesial and religious affairs The notion of state interference in the life of the Church is well known to students of Church history: Arian Emperors, Imperial support for iconoclasm, the Frankish and Germanic control of the papacy, as […]

NGOs, Soft Power Using Religion, Liberal Eliti$m & Color Revolutions – Jay Dyer

The Crucible is a channel dedicated to live Debates primarily and providing a platform for differing opinions on current events to be first heard and then put to the test. This is a place where nothing is above criticism and therefore EVERYTHING is on the table to talk about. The truth will be fleshed out […]

Facebook Partners With Hawkish Atlantic Council, a NATO Lobby Group, to “Protect Democracy”

MENLO PARK, CALIFORNIA – Facebook is hoping that a new alliance with the Atlantic Council — a leading geopolitical strategy think-tank seen as a de facto PR agency for the U.S. government and NATO military alliance – will not only solve its “fake news” and “disinformation” controversy, but will also help the social media monolith play “a positive role” in ensuring democracy on a global level.

Rockefeller, CIA Cultural Marxism & the New Age Inversion – JAY DYER (Half)

Today’s livestream at 3 PM central will be me solo manning the chats and images with a discussion of some basic, but often forgotten aspects of how we’ve gotten to where we are. It’s impossible to understand modernity without understanding the ideological and financial origins of modernity and how powerful social engineering in pop culture and public education truly is. Nation, family, church, state, philosophy, education, and the arts have all been revolutionized. As long as we remain locked in the dialectical trap of modernity, we cannot recover.

Actualités du Grand Moyen-Orient – entretien avec Gabriel Galice

Alors que la bataille de Rakka touche à sa fin, qu’avec la perte annoncée de Mayadine l’Organisation de l’État islamique (OEI) n’est plus que l’ombre de ce qu’elle fut, nous avons souhaité obtenir les analyses de Gabriel Galice – spécialiste, entre autres, des conflits – sur les événements qui agitent la région du Levant, et les idées qui gravitent autour du concept de Grand Moyen-Orient.