There Ought to be a Law

LAPD Sued for Shooting Man in Face After He Had Asked for Help

The Los Angeles Police Department is facing legal action for shooting an unarmed man in the head and leaving him with a collapsed skull, blindness and crippled.
Walter DeLeon waved a towel in his hands to flag down help in his neighborhood, when he encountered the two officers last summer.
DeLeon exchanged a few words and was quickly shot by LAPD officer Cairo Palacios on a Friday evening.
The horrifying and bloody viral video first posted to twitter on June 19th, 2015 by a witness.

Boston School Cops Feel Unsafe Without Guns or Pepper Spray

Cops who patrol Boston public schools want permission to carry pepper spray while on duty, insisting they need protection from violence on campuses.
Because they are not allowed to carry firearms or pepper spray, they say they are unable to defend themselves from rebellious students and trespassers, leading to injuries and time lost from work, according to The Boston Globe.

Stupid Shit Cops Say to Keep You From Recording

As I dive deeper and deeper into the legal complexities of the right to photograph and record in public (I can quote Glik v Cuniffe so fast I will make your head spin), I have noticed a disturbing trend:
The reasons and excuses offered by police officers, firefighters, security officers, even teachers and principals, to keep you from taking a photograph are just plain pathetic.

California Court Bailiff Attacks Attorney for Arguing with Opposing Attorney in Court

A California state attorney was arguing with another attorney in court when a bailiff walked up to her, ordered her out, then grabbed her by the wrists and swung her to the floor.
Her crime: “speaking loudly” and “acting in an unprofessional manner” towards the opposing attorney.
Apparently, this bailiff hasn’t learned that is routine behavior for attorneys.
The incident took place October 20, but video of the incident was released this week.

Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Lies about Fender Bender after Striking Car in Miami Traffic

A fender bender with a Florida Highway Patrol trooper in a busy intersection on the streets of Miami left a driver speechless when the law enforcement official lied about wrecking his car, even going as far as covering up the accident scene.
Francis François says he stopped to let traffic clear when all of a sudden a black unmarked SUV struck his car.

West Virginia State Trooper Sued by Grief Stricken Parents For Killing Unarmed Teen in His Own Driveway

Bereaved parents of a teen slain by a cop in his own driveway, and left to die without medical attention face down in a ditch have filed a Federal civil rights lawsuit against West Virginia State Trooper B.D. Gillespie and his agency.
Timothy Hill was a recent high school graduate, much shorter than burly West Virginia State Trooper Gillespie, and smaller in size too, when he pulled a prank on a neighbor, it led to his early demise.

High-Ranking FBI Agent Convicted of Assault on Teen Nearly Faints in Court After Verdict

Proving to be unstable, combative and petty, an FBI agent interjected himself in a family custodial dispute on behalf of his girlfriend and her estranged husband, who was two hours late in dropping off their baby.
But FBI Agent Gerald Rogero’s intrusive attempts at heroism led to him assaulting and threatening to shoot the 15-year-old son of the estranged husband’s girlfriend.
He then threatened the teen’s mother with arrest when she tried to intervene.