Donald Trump asks South Koreans to pay for the THAAD missile system.

Donald Trump has asked South Koreans to pay $1.5 billion for the installation and maintenance of the THAAD Missile System which was recently put into operation on a South Korean golf course.
The move sparked mass protests among locals opposed to American militarism in the region as well as the negative environmental impact of the system.
READ MORE: South Koreans protest movement of US THAAD Missile System

South Korean Protesters Think THAAD System Aimed at Russia, China, Not DPRK

Sputnik – 27.04.2017 South Korean women protesting the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system is aimed not to defend them against North Korea, but as a threat to Russia and China, analysts told Sputnik. Namhee Lee, a UCLA Associate Professor of Modern Korean History, said, “many South Koreans think that the […]

Shift in Trump Policy on North Korea

By Stephen Lendman | April 27, 2017 Following heavy-handed threats, saber-rattling, and Wednesday’s administration meeting with all Senate members, a joint statement by Defense Secretary Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Coates and Secretary of State Tillerson announced a shift in US policy toward North Korea. On the one hand, it called Pyongyang’s “pursuit of nuclear […]

South Koreans protest movement of US THAAD Missile System

In a further sign that the political climate of South Korea has turned increasingly anti-American/anti-militaristic since the impeachment and arrest of President Park in March of this year, South Koreans took to the streets to protest the arrival of the US THAAD Missile System in North Gyeongsang Province.
The THAAD system arrived in the country in March and is now being positioned at its permanent installation point in Seongju in the south east of the country.