
Ripoff Alert: No Aloe was Found in These Aloe Vera Gel Products

Over the summer, like a lot of people, I purchase a bottle of aloe vera gel because, despite my best efforts, I always get sunburned when I work in the garden. Now I know where I’ll never be buying it from again: CVS. Don’t bother picking up a bottle at Walmart or Target, either. A Bloomberg News report from late 2016 shows that none of these store-brands actually contain any aloe.
Source: Bloomberg News

VA Head Comes out in Support of Marijuana for Vets with PTSD

President Donald Trump’s stance on legalizing medical cannabis is a big question mark, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions hates marijuana and has expressed his intent to stiffen drug penalties. But there is at least one person in the government who sees the potential of marijuana as a medicine, and that person is Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary David Shulkin.

FDA Testing Finds Glyphosate Herbicide in Oatmeal, Baby Food

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed the presence of trace amounts of glyphosate in a variety of oat products, including plain and flavored oat cereals for babies. [1]
An FDA chemist compiled data and presented it to other chemists at a meeting in Florida. The evidence revealed that residues of the chemical found in Monsanto’s blockbuster Roundup pesticide was present in several types of infant oat cereal, including banana strawberry- and banana-flavored varieties.

EU Parliament Members Test Urine for Glyphosate Ahead of Vote on the Herbicide Chemical

On Monday and Tuesday, 150 members of the European Parliament (MEP) donated urine samples to find out if they have glyphosate in their systems. The screening comes ahead of a symbolic vote in the European Union that is scheduled for Wednesday, April 12, on whether to re-license the RoundUp chemical for another 15 years. [1]