
Interview 655 – Sibel Edmonds on the Boston Bombing

FBI whistleblower and BoilingFrogsPost.com editor Sibel Edmonds joins us to discuss the recent Boston bombing hysteria and the potential geopolitical implications of the American public’s “discovery” of Chechen terror. We discuss Sibel’s work exposing the US/NATO roots of so-called Chechen terrorism, and what the FSB’s involvement in this twisted tale might mean in terms of future Russian-US relations.

"Terrorist Plot" In Canada? I Don't Think So!

With the news still inundated with constant updates about the two men that were set up to be the fall guys for the Boston Marathon bombing operation, came news just yesterday of a new "terrorist plot", this time in Canada.   When I first heard the reports about this "terrorist plot" last night on the Jewish controlled Canadian news outlets, I immediately called "bullshit" on the whole thing...

Graham: Terror Suspects Deserve 2nd Amendment Rights, But Not 5th

Lindsey Graham’s predictable argument post-Marathon bombing that the suspects should be treated as enemy combatants and tried in military commissions was the sort of role we have come to expect him to play. He is perhaps the foremost jingo in the US Senate and is radically disinclined to even acknowledge constitutional restraints on government.

Boston: Death Sentence for Looking Out Window?

Police were continually screaming “don’t look out the window!” during their sweep in Watertown last week. This photo shows what happens to folks who disobeyed that order.

So our security now depends on permitting police to threaten to kill anyone who disobeys any order? Or to treat every American like a terrorist suspect who can be gunned down on the flimsiest pretext?

Boston Bombing: NATO- Taking the fight to Russia via Georgia/Chechnya ??

Psychic,  I am not. Someone in the comments mentioned that. Thanks. I am flattered!!!Why I suspected a Chechen angle? As mentioned the separatist Chechens have used the ball bearing IED previously.. The tit for tat has been heating up between Russia and the US. There is no doubt of that.And that area is on the radar for US/Israel/NATO etc.

Pt.2:Cristiano Tinazzi: A spook that ties Libya to Syria and arms from Italy via Croatia

First, a brief digression. Another individual who plays a role similar to that of Cristiano Tinazzi  & Marie Colvin is Wisam Tariff, who reappeared in this post US leads world in “humanitarian” assistance to Syria  after first portraying himself as a 'humanitarian activist', 18 months ago. Though he was and is still obviously involved in moving guns and mercs from Libya into Syria via Turkey.  As is Cristiano. As was Marie Colvin.

Pt 1-Cristiano Tinazzi: A spook that ties Libya to Syria and arms from Italy via Croatia

Recall this news? : 4 Italian Journos kidnapped in Northern Syria: Who did they get photos of ?                                Way, way more to this news then initially met the eye. Not a surprise, really. Is anything ever as it seems?A most interesting commenter stopped by named Nikola. Nikola is Italian and has left info for which I have had to use the translate to sort through it all. But, Dammit! It has been worth it! What a saga.Of course, I did a bit of digging on my own.