Teresa Tomlinson

The Georgia Senate Seat Could Be In Play-- Or The DSCC Could Screw It Up With An "Ex"-Republican

Tomlinson (left) and Amico (right)Georgia still has a PVI that shows it being a red state-- R+5-- but it has been behaving more and more like a swing state lately. I've spoken with operatives working for Bernie, Biden, Kamala and Warren who feel like Georgia is in play for their campaigns.

Is 2020 The Year The Democrats Finally Win A Statewide Race In Georgia? Or The Year A Second Georgian Becomes President?

2014 was a big year for elections in Georgia. Former Democrat Nathan Deal beat Jimmy Carter's grandson, Jason, 1,345,237 (53%) to 1,144,794 (45%). Not bad, huh. And on the same day, there was a Senate race that pitted two candidates with big family names: Republican David Perdue against Democrat Michelle Nunn. Perdue won 1,358,088 (53%) to 1,160,811 (45%). Wow! Same results, more or less. Last year's gubernatorial election was different. Way more people voted-- for both candidates-- and the Democrat in the race, Stacey Abrams, had a real shot.