
50 Years of STAR TREK: A Psychological, Cultural Celebration of Roddenberry’s Vision..

It is hard to imagine that the original Star Trek series is now fifty years old. It is also difficult to think of any cultural entity, certainly not a TV show, that has achieved a comparable level of cultural penetration or longevity. So much of Star Trek – and not even the movie franchise or […]

JOHN HURT Gave Us One of the Greatest TV Performances of All Time…

Didn’t have enough time to properly, fully eulogise concerning the brilliant British film, stage and TV actor John Hurt, who passed away a few days ago after a struggle with pancreatic cancer. There would be a lot to say about Hurt, whose rich, varied career included any number of memorable or stellar performances. But my […]

RIP, JERRY DOYLE: Here’s What He Said About Sunsets & How to Live Life…

Just a quick post here, to pay respect to Jerry Doyle, who has just died. The news of his passing, at the age of 60, caught me off-guard. Known to some as a talk radio host, to others as a right-libertarian political commentator, he was also founder of the popular content platform Epic Times. Whatever else […]

Latest Podcast – ‘DS9, Senna, & When is a Spoiler Not a Spoiler?’…

Here is the latest podcast, featuring I, the Burning Blogger of Bedlam, and my co-conspirator Mumra 2K. You can download the mp3 using the link below; or you can listen to it using the media player. Discussed in this podcast; Mumra 2K recommends JJ Abrams’ new ‘Cloverfield‘ movie. When trailers give too much away. How […]

Propaganda Overdrive: Why Does the BBC Want a Nuclear War With Russia…?

It’s always curious to note what kind of documentaries an organisation like the BBC chooses to make and what documentaries it chooses not to. For example, a documentary about how terrible Gaddafi’s Libya was? Yeah, of course that got broadcast. A documentary about the slaughter carried about by the anti-Gaddafi ‘rebels’ and mercenaries – no, […]

The Return of THE X-FILES: Conspiracy Galore – But Where Have All the Aliens Gone…?

The arrival of the new mini-series of The X-Files, which will feed the nostalgia needs of millions of long-time fans of the series (myself included), has also been met by some scepticism from a few conspiracy enthusiasts who are viewing the return of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully as a CIA or ‘Illuminati’-backed enterprise to ‘soft […]