Tel Aviv

“America will continue with its economic war against Iran”, Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos interviewed

“America will continue with its economic war against Iran”, Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos interviewed Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator During the past ten years, Iran and Saudi Arabia have struggled for dominance in the Middle East, which has raised fears of a US military intervention. The proxy wars in Syria and Yemen are prime examples […]

‘Israeli attacks on Palestinians exposed its Apartheid state identity’: Martin Love interview

‘Israeli attacks on Palestinians exposed its Apartheid state identity’: Martin Love interview Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The middle east region is a hot-spot and headline news is full of the tensions involving Iran and the occupation of Palestine. Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed Martin Love to better understand the back-story to the events […]

Jordanian King blames Israel for provoking Palestinians

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The King of Jordan, Abdallah II, spoke with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and said that the repeated Israeli actions and provocations against the Palestinian people have led to the current escalations.  The royal court wrote on Twitter on Monday that Israeli actions are pushing the region towards more tension.   […]

“How can we look at Palestine with no moral compass and no sense of justice or fair play?” Jafar Ramini, writer and political analyst

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator  “This is truly a massacre that cannot be described,” said Dr. Al Reesh at the al-Shifa Hospital which received the bodies of 10 Palestinians killed, including eight children, and 15 people wounded by an Israeli air raid on the Shati Refugee Camp in the Gaza strip in the hours […]

Apartheid Israel faces full scale war

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator For the first time since the 2014 war, Palestinians in Gaza fired an uninterrupted barrage of more than 500 rockets into Israel, as the Israel Defense Forces pounded Gaza with more than 140 airstrikes through the early hours of Tuesday.   The Iron Dome, Israel’s antimissile defense network, destroyed many […]

“A new Palestinian intifada may trigger a regional war against the Apartheid Israel” according to expert Laith Marouf

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator A missile launched from Syria recently came very close to Israel’s nuclear reactor at Dimona.  Currently, the Palestinians of Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza are actively resisting their occupation and oppression which may give way into a new uprising, or intifada against the Israeli military occupation.  These events […]

Israeli occupation faces threats both domestic and foreign

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator A missile launched from Syria on Thursday exploded 125 miles away from launch, and just 19 miles from Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor in southern Israel, and exposed its Iron Dome anti-missile systems failure.  The launch occurred during an Israeli airstrike on Damascus in which most of the Israeli missiles were downed by […]

“A Cynical Manipulation”: On Israel’s Empty Gesture of Goodwill to Beirut

No words can appropriately describe the horror that has befallen Beirut. Whether this massive explosion was the result of reckless negligence, stupidity, an act of terrorism, or a combination of all of the above – it was horrifying. As the people of Beirut pick up the pieces, our thoughts and our hearts are with them. And indeed, expressions of love and sympathy can be found on social media from people throughout the world.