Ted Cruz

Is It Fair To Label Fiorina A Conspirator In The Colorado Springs Terrorism At Planned Parenthood?

"Victims of Our Games" by Chawky FrennMuch like Illinois Republican Adam Kinzinger said on CNN while the terrorist was still inside the Planned Parenthood clinic shooting people, Herr Trumpf, while having his candidacy boosted by another Meet The Press interview yesterday, pronounced him (not Kinzinger, the other terrorist)

Much Of The GOP Base Doesn't Mind Trumpf's Lies-- They Revel In Them

In my neighborhood there aren't many election campaign signs on peoples' lawns yet-- half a dozen for Bernie scattered around. One weirdo put up a Hillary sign up the block but only for one day. I don't know if she was embarrassed and took it down herself or if someone ripped it down-- although this isn't that kind of neighborhood. But what happens if some reclusive old bigot-- and I suspect someone up the hill of being that guy-- puts up a Trumpf sign?

No One Has Figured Out How Cruz Gets Rid Of Trump Yet... Any Ideas?

Media types seemed shocked yesterday when the Washington Post reported the results of a poll showing Hillary Clinton-- who, in preparation for the general election, is already moving rapidly to the right, at least on terror-- to be significantly more trusted by American voters than any Republican on the issue of how to handle terrorism.

The Republicans’ Rhetoric of Hate and Fear

Fear, laced with paranoia, is driving the American response against allowing Syrian refugees into the United States.
President Obama has said he would accept 10,000 refugees, all of them subjected to intense scrutiny before being admitted to the country. France, with a population about one-fifth that of the United States, despite the worst attack on its soil since World War II, will accept 30,000 refugees.

Republican Primary Voters Do NOT Care That Ted Cruz Is Unelectable Outside The Old Confederacy

Late Sunday night, in reviewing Radio Free Albemuth, we looked at Philip K. Dick's insightful portrayal of a dystopian future with a paranoid, manipulative 4th term president, who is very much the spitting image of Ted Cruz. Perhaps like-minded neo-fascist Steve King read it last night too and felt inspired.