
2001 Called, they want their MP3 Distribution model back: Acton MP3 Files–for sale!

The Acton Institute is now offering Digital Downloads of the MP3 files of its Acton University Lectures–for only a couple bucks each! Wow!<sarcasm off> Contrast this to things like podcasting; iTunes U; and the Mises Institute’s wildly popular and successful 21st Century open-information approach (Doug French, “The Intellectual Revolution Is in Process“; Jeff Tucker, “A […]

Fundamentalist Carbon-Dating Dilemma

Fundamentalist Christians are often “young earthers” who believe the Bible is literally true often think the earth and human history is only 6,000 to 10,000 years old–you get this by counting enumerated generations in the bible back to Adam and Eve. This leads to ridiculous theories about dinosaurs living contemporaneously with man, skepticism of carbon-dating […]

Harvard’s Yochai Benkler on Net Neutrality and Innovation

I’ve posted recently about Net Neutrality–see Net Neutrality Developments and A Libertarian Take on Net Neutrality. There’s an interesting discussion about this and related issues on the EconTalk podcast, between host Russ Roberts and Yochai Benkler of Harvard. Benkler really knows his stuff and it comes thru in this fascinating and informative discussion. As he […]

Net Neutrality Developments

In recent years the “Net Neutrality” movement has gained steam. This is an effort by various statists, interventionists, do-gooders, meddlers, and techno-ignoramuses who seek to have the government forbid network providers (e.g. cable companies, telcos, and wireless carriers) from selectively blocking certain types of Internet use–for example, to require companies to give Web users equal […]