TCRN Videos (All Videos)

What You Need To Know About the Venezuela Coup #3

Derrick Broze continues to expose the lie that is the ongoing coup in Venezuela. CNN and the Western Media are pushing Juan Guaido as a hero here to save the Venezuelan people from President Maduro. The reality is much darker… Sources: What You Need To Know About the Coup in Venezuela… What You Need […]

Should You Follow the Law or Your Morals?

Derrick Broze breaks down a recent story of a judge letting a man escape from Immigration Enforcement. Was the judge “right” for doing this and violating the law? When should we listen to our own moral compass and not the law? Sources: State Judge Charged With Helping Man Evade Immigration Agent… Please help us […]

Max Igan on Christchurch Censorship, 5g, and Social Credit Scores

Derrick Broze sits down with researcher and activist Max Igan. The two discuss the recent censorship of Max’s youtube channel for questioning the New Zealand ChristChurch shooting. Max also discusses 5g and the advent of social credit scores. Find Max here: Please help us advance truth, healing, community building, and empowering the people to […]