TCRN Video Reports

So About That 5G-60 GHz-COVID19 Connection…

Derrick Broze dives deep into the theories surrounding 5G, the 60 GHz frequency, and COVID-19. Source: Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields—A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction which could lead to disease and impairment Extracellular signal-regulated kinases Evaluation of the Potential Biological Effects of the 60-GHz Millimeter Waves […]

YouTube Censoring COVID Truth, FB Blocking Lockdown Protests

The censorship continues… Why do the masses stay on FB and YT if they continue to censor? Show notes: YouTube Censorship of Info that Doesn’t Align with WHO Facebook Will Ban Protests That Defy Government ‘Guidance’ on Distancing Support our work AND get a free ounce of Kratom to help with fatigue, stress, addiction, and […]

Event 201: We are Witnessing The Flood Unleashed

Derrick Broze breaks down the “flood strategy” from the Event 201 exercise, a recent announcement from the United Nations and what it means for freedom. Source: What I learned from Event 201 about "misinformation" management from China UN chief on COVID-19 and misinformation Support our work AND get a free ounce of Kratom to […]

Why Did Microsoft Take Down This Commercial?

Derrick explores Microsoft’s recent commercial on the new Hololens 2 featuring controversial artist Marina Abramovic. Source: Microsoft deletes HoloLens commercial featuring controversial artist Marina Abramović after public backlash Microsoft’s website Microsoft’s commercial Support our work AND get a free ounce of Kratom to help with fatigue, stress, addiction, and pain: Please help us advance […]

(VIDEO) US Government Helped Fund Chinese Coronavirus Research

Derrick Broze examines new reports indicating the U.S. government funded Chinese research into Coronavirus, prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. Sources: New Reports Indicate US and China Collaborated on Coronavirus Research Prior to COVID-19 Outbreak State Department cables warned of safety issues at Wuhan lab studying bat coronaviruses Support our work AND get a free ounce […]

Bill Gates: Lies About Event 201, Rockefeller Connections and Lock Step Simulation

Derrick Broze breaks down recent lies from Bill Gates, his involvement with Event 201, his relationship to the Rockefeller’s, the Lock Step Simulation, and more.  Show Notes: Bill Gates: Few countries will get ‘A-grade’ for coronavirus response Event 201 Bill Gates’s Charity Paradox Family Relationship of Bill Gates The “Lock Step” Simulation Scenario: “A Coronavirus-like […]