TBR Articles

Mass Man, Mass Politics, and the Capitalist Order

Matthew Raphael Johnson (2004)
That the modern ethno-nationalist and anti-globalist resistance movement has a profound class character is difficult to deny. It has this character in a radically different manner than the far left in the media and the universities would have one believe. The extreme left’s overrepresentation in these institutions has provided a purposely false and distorted picture of class in America, and, specifically, class conflict in relation to nationalism.

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“I am clearly more popular than Reagan. I am in my third term. Where’s Reagan? Gone after two! Defeated by George Bush and Michael Dukakis no less.” Marion Barry, former mayor of Washington, DC
“I’m going to be honest with you — I don’t know a lot about Cuba’s healthcare system. Is it a government-run system?” Sen. John Kerry
“Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn’t even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas.” Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann

Russia’s Agony, America’s Future?

DURING WORLD WAR I, the British press was almost uniformly anti-Russian. What reporter Robert Wilton understood made him stand out: that Russia was not only a first-rank power, but a strongly equitable and just society as well. Wilton stood almost alone among English journalists at the time in trying to get the truth out about Old Russia, one where the monarchy was not only strong and respected, but dedicated to social justice as well.
Read the full article as a PDF here.

The Forgotten Christians

Sometimes Christians forget just how widespread the Prince of Peace’s following was before Islam.
By Ronald L. Ray. Most people—in fact, most Christians—tend to think of Europe and the regions the nations of that continent conquered, when they think of the history of Christianity. Many may even be aware of “Eastern Christianity” but typically associate it with either Greece or Russia.

Maximilian: The Rise & Tragic Fall of a Christian Monarch and the End of White Rule in Mexico

Was Maximilian of Mexico a patsy for the globalists? Just a puppet of the French? Undoubtedly he meant well and was a compassionate ruler. But history has yet to render a final judgment on the character and reign of Maximilian, the second emperor of White Mexico. One thing is for sure: he was not the power-crazed madman that the mainstream has portrayed in television shows and books for over 150 years.

Joe Shelby: The Undefeated Rebel

By Clint Lacy. For many in the South, the war did not end immediately with the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee on April 9, 1865, at Appomattox Court House in Virginia. In the West, many Confederate troops and their commanders refused to capitulate, preferring to continue the fight or leave the country. One of those was noted Rebel cavalry Gen. J.O. Shelby. Rather than wave the white flag, he led several hundred of his men south into Mexico, choosing freedom there to life under the Union yoke.