
It’s the Water, Stupid! It’s the Infrastructure, Stupid!

Yes, it’s difficult for people to think it’s dry in Oregon, along the coast, along the Central Coast range. But it is, and it’s wet in the winter, too. Breweries, shrimp industries, hotels, they use a lot of fresh water. But the reality is clear — America is so dysfunctional, that those trillions thrown at […]
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Cathartic, Dealing with Trauma, on Being Humane

Not all addictions are rooted in abuse or trauma, but I do believe they can all be traced to painful experience. A hurt is at the centre of all addictive behaviours. It is present in the gambler, the Internet addict, the compulsive shopper and the workaholic. The wound may not be as deep and the […]
The post Cathartic, Dealing with Trauma, on Being Humane first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Time for a Taxpayer Revolt Against Rich Corporate Welfarists

It is time for an unusual but long overdue revolt by the 150 million tax-with-held taxpayers. I’m not speaking of rates of taxation that the rich and corporations largely avoid because of the gigantic tax escapes, which they grease through Congress. Today I’m hoping to get your dander up by showing how corporatist politicians make […]

Canadian Taxpayer-subsidized ‘Charities’ Push Israeli University-military Ties

Researching registered charities is a window into the pathology of Canadian Zionism. The number, variety and sums raised by taxpayer-subsidized groups focused on Israel is remarkable. Does a country with a GDP per capita equal to Canada’s need this country’s taxpayers to subsidize 200+ organizations raising over a quarter billion dollars a year for it? […]

Biden: Tilt Taxes to the Middle Class

The bad news is that taxes in America are tilted in favor of the rich. The best news is that we could be only weeks away from a tilt in favor of the middle class: the reforms President Biden is urging to help balance the Administration’s $3.5 trillion budget bill. The changes won’t be going […]
The post Biden: Tilt Taxes to the Middle Class first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Canada Revenue Agency’s Double Standards on Muslim and Jewish Charities

Why does the Canada Revenue Agency treat Jewish, Christian, and Muslim charities so differently? In June the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLM) released a report showing that the CRA disproportionately targets Muslim groups. According to the report, 75% of the groups whose charitable status was revoked following a division audit by the CRA between […]

One Nation Under Greed: The Profit Incentives Driving the American Police State

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it. ― Frédéric Bastiat,  Economic Sophisms (1845–1848) If there is an absolute maxim by which the American government seems […]

Try as You May to Deny, but Evil is in Our DNA

What’s gotten in the way of education in the United States is a theory of social engineering that says there is ONE RIGHT WAY to proceed with growing up. ― John Taylor Gatto, Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling We used to research the cup of coffee. School. Mostly community colleges, but […]
The post Try as You May to Deny, but Evil is in Our DNA first appeared on Dissident Voice.

How America Went From Mom-and-Pop Capitalism to Techno-Feudalism

The crisis of 2020 has created the greatest wealth gap in history. The middle class, capitalism and democracy are all under threat. What went wrong and what can be done? In a matter of decades, the United States has gone from a largely benign form of capitalism to a neo-feudal form that has created an […]
The post How America Went From Mom-and-Pop Capitalism to Techno-Feudalism first appeared on Dissident Voice.