Tax Scam

GOP Tax Scam-- Just More Failed Trickle Down

The GOP thought that at least they'd have one "achievement" to run on in the midterms-- the massive taxcut. But the tax cut-- which many call "the tax scam"-- has turned out to not be that popular, not popular enough to run on. Over the weekend, the NY Times reported that Republicans aren't barging about and aren't even bragging about the continuation of the Obama economic expansion Trump takes credit for.

McConnell's Crystal Ball: "If We Can’t Sell This To The American People, We Ought To Go Into Another Line Of Work."

Sunday I was surprised to see California wing-nut Mimi Walters, pushing out a message about how GOP tax policies are helping Americans. They're not-- especially not in her Orange County district, where people are paying significantly higher taxes because of those policies that she voted for. Katie Porter is Walters' progressive opponent in the June 5th jungle primary.