tax cuts

With Tax Bill Looming, GOP Takes Aim At Anti-Poverty Programs

While tax experts continue to exclaim with horror as they sift through the “legislative monstrosity” Republicans rammed through the Senate last week, Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday hosted a Facebook live event aimed at detailing the next steps in the fight against both the GOP’s tax plan and the party’s broader economic agenda.

Trump “Angry” After Learning What State And Local Tax Repeal Really Means

In what may be the final nail in President Trump’s tax reform proposal, months after the White House proposed ending a tax break for people in high-tax states – which would suggest Trump had more than enough time familiarize himself with how it all works –  Trump reportedly “grew angry” when he learned that the change would hurt some middle-income taxpayers, Bloomberg reports citing people familiar with his thinking.

Donald Trump in 100 Days

When it comes to doing interesting things in 100 days, Donald Trump falls far short of Napoleon. Between early March and late July of 1815, Napoleon mounted a return to France after his exile on the island of Elba, in an attempt to restore his rule and former glory.
It all came crashing down at the Battle of Waterloo, after which, Napoleon was permanently exiled to the island of Saint Helena.
The fact that Donald Trump’s first ‘100 days’ as POTUS is being discussed to death might be irksome to latent Bonapartists, but it is also becoming irksome to me.

‘Goldman Sachs Populism’: Trump’s Tax Plan Benefits The Ultra-Wealthy

Former Wall Street Executive, now Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, gets on an elevator after speaking with reporters in the lobby of Trump Tower, Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016, in New York. (AP/Evan Vucci)
President Donald Trump unveiled his latest giveaway to corporations and the ultra-wealthy on Wednesday, with a tax plan that would, according to one analyst, “personally help Trump enormously.”