Talking Heads

Why Using Identity Politics As A Filter Is A Road To Nowhere

Last cycle, the two biggest self-funders looking to buy House seats were David Trone in Maryland, who spent a phenomenal $13,414,225 of his own and took 35,400 votes (27.1%) in his primary, and Randy Perkins in Florida who spent $10,127,029 of his own and then lost to a Republican, by over 10 points 53.6% to 43.1%. The only million dollar Democratic self-funder who won in 2016 was Vicente Gonzalez, a real sleaze from south Texas, who spent $1,850,000 of his own dough.

Bye-Bye Matthew Peterson-- We Were Just Getting To Know You

-by NoahAs is made clear in the clip, here is a Trump judicial nominee, Matthew Peterson, being grilled, by a southern Republican senator no less, about his fanciful qualifications to be a federal judge. This after another Trump judicial nominee, Brett Talley, an apparent KKK sympathizer, who withdrew his own nomination, after it was revealed that his wife works for Trump at the White House and that he had only been practicing law for 3 years.

The Humiliation Of Ted Cruz, Mike Pence, The Republican Party-- While The Demented Donald Laughs At America

The superficially crafted messaging of the Republican convention has been stepped on and obliterated every day. But Hillary better not feel powerful for having had anything to do with it. It's all Trump and his incompetent, deranged micro-campaign that's causing all the seemingly self-destructive chaos. Trump lifted those plagiarized passages from Michelle Obama's speech and put them into Melania's address and ate up two-and-a-half days of headlines that might have gone to republican messaging.