
(Half) F. William Engdahl/Jay Dyer: Lost Hegemon & Full Spectrum Dominance

This is the first free half of an interview, while the full interview can be obtained by subscribing at the PayPal links at Professor Engdahl joins me for a deep politics discussion in relation to his new book, The Lost Hegemon: Whom the Gods Would Destroy.  His book focuses on the usage of radical Islam by the West and how these networks are part of a larger strategy to control Eurasia.

Jay Dyer w/Tim Kelly: Tragedy & Hope – War is a Racket for Great Game

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his series covering Dr. Carroll Quigley’s monumental Tragedy & Hope. We talk about banksters’ scams, controlled opposition, revolutions, dialectics, the gold standard, classical liberalism, media fakery, false flags, wars and how the true “Illuminati’ are controlling these events.

Jay Dyer w/Catherine Austin Fitts: Top 10 Mind Control Movies (Partial)

Catherine Austin Fitts invited me on the Solari Report for a lively conversation covering mind control, movies and the transhumanist agenda.  We chose ten films that stand out as exemplars, and ended up chatting for almost two hours.  The full talk can be obtained by subscribing to her Solari Report below or at at the PayPal link, as well as my book, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film.