Syria False Flag

Trump’s bold geopolitical pivot, will the Deep State retaliate?

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and former U.S. Army Special Operations Officer and global psychological warfare counter-terrorism analyst Scott Bennett take a quick look at US President Donald Trump decision to disengage from Syria and bring American troops home. Does this mark a major turning point and pivot away from years of a failed and disastrous US foreign policy dogma in the Middle East that has left the region in ruins.

UK behind false flag chemical attack in Syria, evidence shows

Those who have been following events in long-suffering Syria are already aware of the false flags committed by terrorists. The West is threatening to attack Syria over a chemical attack allegedly committed in Douma, near Damascus.
The terrorists, otherwise called rebels, are the only faction that has anything to gain from Chemical weapons use in Syria. A US-Western intervention – the kind chemical weapons use could trigger – is the only thing that can save them from annihilation.

Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 85

World War Crazy

So, is the West going to strike Syria? What will Russia and China do? Are we headed for World War III? Is this really where humanity has come to? If this is the case, then our main cultural focus over the past few days says a great deal about our society: the world rapidly moves toward chaos, but our focus is on Miley Cyrus’ twerking performance. It’s about priorities, after all!

Listen to the podcast show here (Subscribers only):

