
A different story: how Russia is handling the Coronavirus pandemic [Video]

With all the crazy shifting narratives in American news about Coronvirus – the availability of treatments, the effectiveness of masks, the ineffectiveness of masks, the persecution of Christians who want to go to Church and pray and receive Holy Communion, the comparative safety of riots and attacking people, statues and buildings who are deemed “racist” by historically ignorant overgrown teenagers who are too stoned to think straight…
Well, you get the idea.

Protestantism & Evangelicalism Refuted – Orthodox Theology – Jay Dyer (Half)

Tonight I will cover a topic long-requested by followers – expand on refuting Protestantism. We have covered many aspects of Roman Catholicism, but what about the reformers? Do the problems in Rome vindicate Protestants? What about reformation principles compared to Orthodox theology? What about the “solas” as compared with Orthodox Tradition? The first half of this video will be public, while the second half will be for subscribers to JaysAnalysis.

Rothschild Empire Vs Orthodox Empire – Americanism -Jay Dyer / Tim Kelly Full Video

Tim invited me back on Our Interesting Times to discuss eastern and western theology, philosophy and sociology and how these paradigms differ. Yes, it’s 1453, i misspoke from being a bit haggard and spent in this installment, but the information is quality. We cover globalist books, democracy and anarchy, relativism, nihilism, freemasonry and Zionism, esoterism and the Frankish thesis, etc.