Surveillance in India

The rush to book people under sedition for plain dissent

A democratically elected government should be pleased when it faces dissent as this tells it what is going wrong with its administration and how to rectify wrongs. Instead, dissent is being handled in an imperial way by the police. Our very own Marie Antoinettes seem to be telling farmers they can’t have gur, but promise chocolates, and ask them to[Read More...]

Indian Agencies Snooping Into Your Computer: The Orwellian Nightmare Is Here

In 2001, for the very first time, I took George Orwell’s masterpiece “1984” in my hand. A dystopian novel having a dictator named “Big Brother” who believes in “WAR IS PEACE, SLAVERY IS FREEDOM, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH” and used to spread his belief by hook or crook. Big Brother used to spy on every citizen of his rule because he[Read More...]