
Could Cockroach Milk be the Next Superfood?

When you think of superfoods, you probably think of pomegranates, pickles, kombucha, turmeric … most of that good stuff. But that if someone suggested to you that milk from a big, disgusting insect most people try to kill was the source of the next big superfood?
If you’ve spent your life stomping on cockroaches (or running from them screaming, like I do), this story might not appeal to you, but here goes nothing.

Purple Bread is Being Hailed as the First Baked Superfood

If you love white bread but avoid it because of the carbs and lack of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, yet the texture of wholegrain bread turns you off, purple bread might be the answer for you.
Purple bread is being hailed as the first baked superfood. Professor Zhou Weibiao, a food scientist at the National University of Singapore, says that bread has been “under attack” for 10 years. That’s because white bread is digested too fast, causes blood sugar spikes, and is linked to obesity and diabetes.

4 Important Tips for Growing Your Own Superfoods

For those who bother to grow their own food – a ‘radical’ act that has almost become necessary due to the GMO-laden land around us – the idea of consuming boosted plant nutrients is wildly appealing. Growing specific varieties of vegetables and fruits which are rich in phytonutrients, including anthocyanins, quercetin, lutein, and lycopene, for example, can help to prevent cancer, help us age more gracefully, and boost energy levels.