Sunday Thoughts

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:Dear Fake Christians,It's Halloween time! Deal with it, or should I say "Get over it!"I present this meme today just to piss off piety-pretending pseudo-Christians everywhere. Natas, natas! See the sharp knife carve the orange face. May the blackness darken your day! Your souls are already mine! In the Grand Barbecue Pit Of Hell, I toast them like marshmallows on stakes!

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:Maybe it's the approach of Halloween. Maybe I just wanted to put a smile on Pence's lifeless face, but, last night I had the strangest dream: I rode up to my local Roman Catholic church like this, crashing through the doors, right on up to the front! I leaned the cross I was bearing against the alter and told the alter boys to run out as fast as they can.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday Thoughts:The question of the right to legally discriminate against LGBTQ citizens at the workplace (and, no doubt everywhere else in time) has been driven to the highest court in the land by the likes of the evangelical "Christian" right, self-haters such as Gay Conversion Therapy advocate Mike Pence, and, yes, legions of typical republican bigots.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday ThoughtsRepublican Jesus Sez: Behold, I have prepared a place for thee! Forget Mar-a-Lago! The White God's Heaven is the ultimate gated community! In the White God's Heaven there are McMansions and gas-guzzling Lincolns for all. No hybrid or electric cars! In the White God's Heaven, A FOX News TV is never more than 5 feet away and all of your dream conspiracies are real! Plus, y'all get a little red hat with a propeller!

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday ThoughtsI'm good for 4 or 5 of the things on this crackpot's list but when I saw this sign, I had a whole bunch o' reactions. In no particular order, they are:1. Yoga pants? What the hell are yoga pants and what's wrong with yoga pants?2. I'm a serial killer who married my goat so I guess I'm in the clear!3. Likewise, I've only ever dabbled in porn so I'm OK there, too. Eternal Damnation, here I come!

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday Thoughts:I think I'll go become a building contractor and move to a Republican town. I could really clean up by augmenting the homes of Christonut Republikooks with these spiffy rapture hatches!Now that I have a plan for the rest of my life, I have to ask: Did you ever wonder what happens to the pets of The Raptured? Who will care for them when their nutball masters float on up to the heavens on that glorious day?

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday Thoughts:Believe it or not (You can look it up), there is a medical name for seeing things in the clouds. It's called Pareidolia, a generalized term for seeing things in random data. The imaginative, if undeveloped minds of children often process random shapes in the sky's clouds as dragons, monsters, or other entities that inhabit the nightmares of a child.