Sunday Talks

Neil Oliver Outlines the Globalist Targeting, De-banking and De-personing of Nigel Farage

from The Conservative Treehouse: Neil Oliver’s monologues each week are even more critical in the intellectual pushback as the thoughts and monologues of Tucker Carlson.  Neil articulates the issues and reaches an audience thirsting to understand just how corrupt the systems are that flow from the globalist and corporatist constructs. Behind all the disparate institutional […]

Sunday Talks, Neil Oliver Will Not Eat the Bugs

from The Conservative Treehouse: U.K. pundit Neil Oliver used his weekend monologue to outline the great pretending being deliberately pushed by the groups of western leaders who attend meetings at the World Economic Forum. The pretending outlined in the context used by Oliver is the classic ‘bait and switch.’  The people are baited into believing […]

Sunday Talks, Neil Oliver Discusses the Insufferable Agenda 2030 and The Climate Change Quest for Utopia

from The Conservative Treehouse: For his weekly monologue, Neil Oliver outlines the insufferable fools that are constructing the path to Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum dictates that form the baseline to “save the planet” from climate change. As you listen or read the word picture that Oliver paints, you might remember the CTH […]

Sunday Talks, Samantha Power Notes Scarce Food Presents Opportunity to Enhance Larger Goals of Climate Change and Other Weird Stuff

from The Conservative Treehouse: If you are not familiar with Cass Sunstein’s wife, Samantha Power, I would suggest spending some time on any search feature of the internet.  Power is the archetype ideological traveler within the academic peer group of the Obama team.  Former U.N. Ambassador Power is the person who takes the ideological theory […]