Summit for Democracy

Democracy as commodity

The U.S.’ Summit for Democracy has come and gone without too much fuss.  It was a strange little show with the leader of the so called ‘free world’ – being those “democratic” countries that for whatever reason support U.S. dictates – attempting through rhetoric and probably a few winks and nods to maintain its establishment as the group’s leader.  From[Read More...]

Ten Contradictions That Plague Biden’s Democracy Summit

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies President Biden’s virtual Summit for Democracy on December 9-10 is part of a campaign to restore the United States’ standing in the world, which took such a beating under President Trump’s erratic foreign policies. Biden hopes to secure his place at the head of the “Free World” table by coming out as[Read More...]

Biden’s Summit for Democracy: International NGOs express concern that Summit will ignore India’s descent to fascism

Groups extend offer to Biden to provide input to help make the summit a success WASHINGTON, DC (Dec. 7, 2021) – A consortium of 34 international multi-faith human rights NGOs have written a letter to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris expressing their deep concern that the president’s Summit for Democracy Dec. 9-10 will ignore the widespread violations[Read More...]

Why Biden Shouldn’t Use the ‘Summit for Democracy’ to Start More Cold Wars

On December 9 and 10, President Biden will host a virtual “Summit for Democracy.” The gathering will bring together leaders from 110 countries who work in government, civil society and the private sector, with the officially declared purpose of developing an agenda to renew democratic government and keep democracy’s ideals strong. (The guest list includes Pakistan, Ukraine and Brazil.) As authoritarianism grows[Read More...]

The U.S. Moral Superiority Complex Is Accelerating Its Decline

By Laura Ruggeri | Strategic Culture Foundation | November 4, 2021 Soon after the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, David Ignatius, Washington Post columnist and Deep State insider, remarked “The reversals in Afghanistan are confounding for a Biden national security team that has rarely known personal failure (…) These are America’s best and […]