
Fla. Everglades Dolphins Have the World’s Highest Mercury Levels

The serene, majestic bottlenose dolphins that swim off the Florida Everglades are contaminated with mercury – the highest levels ever documented in the entire species – and it’s killing them. And because the dolphins are a sentinel species that provide a glimpse into the health of both ecosystems and humans, the discovery means it’s likely that people living in the area are also affected. [1]

One of the Cheapest Cancer Fighters on the Planet

It isn’t a fancy concoction, nor does it sell in the form of a capsule, promoted by a billion dollar pharmaceutical industry. It isn’t a rare herb or even some kind of strange fruit that you’ve never heard of, let alone seen. It is a common food you likely use when you cook, and that can grow easily in your back yard, or in a pot placed on a sunny patio.