
Update: 5 Scientific Experts Join Lawsuit to Bring Down Monsanto

In my ongoing exposure of Monsanto’s illegal and immoral tactics, I was excited to announce that a class action lawsuit against the company for false advertising was taken on by none other than T. Matthew Phillips. We reported on this lawsuit at Natural Society, when minimal mainstream media outlets would touch the subject.

Class Action Suit: Major ‘Organic’ Baby Formula Isn’t Organic

Just how desperate are Big Food companies to get in on the burgeoning organic market? It seems that they are desperate enough to lie about their ingredients – even in baby formula.
Plaintiffs are seeking over $5 million in damages from the well-known baby formula maker, Abbot Laboratories (who makes Similac) for labeling one of their formulas as organic when it is anything but organic.

Major Monsanto Lawsuit Completely Blacked out by Media

What happens when one courageous attorney and a few citizens try to take down Monsanto? The MSM doesn’t cover it, for starters.
Efforts to publicize a class action lawsuit against Monsanto for false advertising it’s best-selling herbicide Roundup filed in Los Angeles County Court on April 20, 2015 have been rejected by almost every mainstream media outlet.

Major Lawsuit Targets Monsanto for Selling Cancer-Linked Herbicide

Those claims that Monsanto made – that glyphosate was harmless to humans – well, the company is about to pay for that ‘false advertising’ in the form of a class action lawsuit put forth by the offices of T. Matthew Phillips in Los Angeles, California.
In the lawsuit filed in California, Monsanto is accused of:
The deliberate falsification to conceal the fact that glyphosate is harmful to humans and animals.

Breaking: Secret Agreement to Make Corporations Unstoppable Moves Forward

Corporate lobbyists who want to force genetically modified food on the world through secretive and unconstitutional, behind-closed-doors deals have just moved their agenda forward by cutting a deal with the President to move the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) through a fast-track approval in Congress. This agreement would lodge corporate power in place, undermining democracy.

HUGE: Monsanto Sued for Dumping Carcinogenic Chemicals

It seems that Monsanto has been dumping banned, carcinogenic chemicals in the bay, and the city of San Diego isn’t too happy about it.
The city of San Diego and the San Diego Unified Port District filed a lawsuit on Monday against the biotech giant Monsanto, accusing the company for polluting the city’s bay for more than 30 years with a carcinogenic chemical that was long ago banned due to its abhorrent affects on human health.