Strategy of tension

US closes Syrian embassy, expels diplomats & appoints an Ambassdor...

The ambassador is a 'Jewish/American' not my wording. And the UN is busily being NATO's shiny happy face 

 All of a sudden- The U.S. closes Syrian Embassy in Washington, orders diplomats out

The Obama administration on Tuesday closed the U.S. Embassy in Syria and pulled all American diplomats out of the country.

NATO's killers in Syria: Will Trade Golan in exchange for no fly zone enforcement

Can it be anymore clear that the 'opposition' is not Syrian? Not that I need to remind regular readers here.Can it be anymore clear that the so called opposition has been supported by, cooperated with and continues to collude with Israel. Israel is not afraid of Islamists for the simple reason they are on the same team.That fact is abundantly clear! Haaretz- Syrian Opposition willing to trade Golan claims for Israeli Military support

Crimea- Unmasking a Revolution

Approximately 25 minutes- worth taking the time forA good glimpse of those 'peaceful protestors' in action. You know, the ones the NATO media kept telling us all about. The ones that didn't really exist?Also interesting to see the Crimeans take charge after what happened in Kiev Link to the video at RT- Crimea- Unmasking a Revolution Part 1

Syria to miss OPCW deadline so says unnamed official- false flag take 2?

I wanted to get this up end of last week.....A bit late, but, still important!Syria to miss deadline to destroy 12 sites- so says an unidentified officialYes, that is right an unidentified official is providing us with a narrative. But, it's not just narrative creation it's also prognosticating. The unidentified official (who knows who this really is?) is speaking certainties nine days before the said official could/should be certain.Counting chickens/unhatched eggs. You know?

Ukraine- How insane is the EU- Sanctions? Lavrov shuns Kiev stooge & more

Big power talks make little progress

-High-level diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis in Ukraine made little apparent headway at talks in Paris on Wednesday with Moscow and Washington at odds and Russia's foreign minister refusing to recognize his Ukrainian counterpart.

-Russia had earlier rebuffed Western demands that its forces that have seized control of Ukraine's Crimea region should return to their bases.