Strategy of tension

Ukraine in Crisis- The disappearing country

Interesting title from the Economist- came across this one last night, saved it for todayThe journalist even includes this  SLOVIANSK, UKRAINE (for now)Before we get to the economist a brief digression I actually watched some of the UN session last night. Live. Unfortunately I missed Churkin's statement and absolutely would not watch Samantha Power- not wanting to take in her evil energyFrance, UK & Australia were absolutely on the same message.

US is looking into new Syria chemical weapons claim

Is all this going on because today is the 13th?The ‘chemical weapons’ as manipulative tactic? I had hoped would go away, is not.Today there are claims of a chlorine attack. Why would the Syrian government bother with this, when the Syrian Army has the upper hand almost everywhere- If chlorine was used, again, only the NATO mercs have anything at all to gain from doing this   Washington Post is running with the news

Russia requests UNSC Meeting Tonight.Ukraine Military Op- Criminal

Following on Ukraine ordering  a  military operation against the pro-federation protestors-Update 2 in the post  Ukraine- Conflict, casualties, building seizures,1 MIA Oligarch & UpdatesAdditional info here- Ukraine to deploy troops "in anti-terror" OperationThe article  linked above was initially headlined -Ukraine special forces sent to eastern city.Then changed to "anti-terror"

Ukraine- Conflict, casualties, building seizures,1 MIA Oligarch & Updates

Kyiv Post- Definitely pro-coup/NATO However........... We have a bunch of conflicting news stories this morning to sift through.We have reports of people killed. We have conflicting reports on where the killings took placeUkraine coup government authority Arsen Avakov is claiming the deaths took place in the city of SlovianskThe federalist are claiming this is not true.

Boston Bombing- Blame Russia (Hate to say I told you so, but......)

Last year around this time we had the Boston bombing incident, remember? If you don't you are about to get a reminder served up with a heaping side of perception management.Background:April 16/2013-Bombs at the Boston Marathon: Bomb sniffing dogs present pre-raceAt that time, in fact in that very post, I typed these words

Kerry and US Military Clash on Syria?

Or so the narrative goes? Wanted to get this up yesterday, still very relevant so better late then not at all Premise Kerry is pushing for upping military aggressivenessPentagon Opposing? Sort of. But not reallyPentagon Opposes Direct Military Intervention Against AssadPentagon opposes DIRECT military intervention? So, how about INDIRECT military invention?

Ukraine: Sniper historical rewrite & Ukraine terrorists captured in Russia

This news item got me thinking about how we are saddled with official state sanctioned versions of history. Explaining our collective ignorance. In this article we can see/read and understand how the future is written by those who control the present through reinforcing lies albeit officially sanctioned lies.