Strategy of tension

36 Countries where the US has supported Fascists, Drug lords & Terrorists

And bankers... Salon fails to mention the enrichment of banksters, the banking cartels and the benefit of big business. Whether it be big agriculture, big oil or the weapons makers?  This list is, of course, grossly inadequate- It only mentions 35 countries, I added Ukraine.  Each nation listed below has more information at this link From Argentina to ZaireI am only excerpting from the Salon article:

Meet & Greet the Syrian 'rebel' who got US weapons-

Washington PostSee Washington Post deliver us a concept of only good rebels being armed by the USWashington Post sells us brand  good rebels vs brand  bad rebels Perception management- US, brand good guys, arming only brand good guy rebels too.Because the US wouldn't arm brand bad guysSeriously. This is  how the media presents information.

US not ready to admit it can’t run the show around globe — Sergei Lavrov

I have updated the post to include the video of the entire interview- with thanks to Saker for bringing it to my attention. It's well worth taking the 30 minutes needed to watch it entirelySergei Lavrov has way more class then John Kerry!Video below Sergei Lavrov in his own words- straight shootin'

Syria: two thirds chems transferred & Canada prepares attack Syria plans

Canada prepares to attack Syria and aid Al quada! Make no mistake about it Canada will be aiding Al Qaeda.Perhaps a rebranding will take place, but, the product will be exactly the same. NATO's Islamic fighters more commonly known as Al Quada. That is the reality of what/who Canada will be assisting. Canada is prepared to further aid the the thugs terrorizing Syrians.