Strategy of tension

Zbigniew Brzezinski-Between Two Ages- America's Role in the Technotronic Era

*Between Two Ages:America's role in the Technotronic Age- Book*If you haven't read it, you may want to. Published around 1970. So, more then 40 years ago? And yet so timely.  Besides the pdf , you may find this piece from 2004 very appropriate for this present day. Thinking of the US moves on Ukraine, of course.The outrageous strategy to destroy Russia- Excerpted from  quite a large article

Darrell Hamamoto- Weaponized Political Correctness and more

You may think this interview controversial? Or not? If you do that is very good!  It should give some food for thought. I know it did for myself. I listened 3 times, so I could fully understand this man's views and conclusions- Though he still seems to be processing his own discoveries. Again, the subject of technology and it's use is broached. And the weaponized political correctness....

"Toward a Europe Whole & Free" Via NATO global dominance

This post contains a ton of info-  Europe Whole and Free, is of course, nothing like it reads. In our Orwellian world of doublespeak. Whole and free  is really Europe subordinated to NATO/US dominance.Europe 'whole and free' is a plan that has long been in the works-Let's go back to 1989 and George HW Bush- If the video below doesn't work for you, I am linking the text directly below the video link*Video- George H.W.

Israel:Anti-Christian Graffiti & "Price Tag" attacks rise before Papal visit

Ah, the delusional Israelis..... beliefs of 'god given land' and 'choseness' will always lead to a kind of twisted sense of entitlement.  How many stories have I read, over the years, about the rabid haters in Israel and their innumerable crimes against Palestinians?-  Both Christians and Muslim? Attacks on sites important to Christians? Quite a few over the years. But only on occasion does one of those news articles trickle in the consciousness of the western media audience. Israeli media does cover the crimes of it's own citizens. But they lay blame on the 'ultra-nationalists' in Israel.

Encore Presentation “Supernatural: Magic and Spelling as Mind Control”

I have been thinking for a long while about relinking this interview. It seems now is the right time.Background I first put this up over a year ago. It was well received then. Hopefully new readers will find it informative, enlightening and intriguing. I know, I did. As I said back then and it still applies now-

NATO: Russia may achieve goals without Ukraine invasion?!?

Saw this headline today? .-Russia may achieve goals without Ukraine invasion: NATO commanderWhat the heck! How long has the NATO media been repeating the mantra that Russia is going to invade Ukraine like any day?! At any moment? At the drop a hat!Or should I use my favourite Bushism and say the NATO media was "catapulting the propaganda"?

Ukraine sends special "special forces" to Odessa- Slavyansk heats up

 There are now several updates at the bottom- please check them out?!Ukraine sends “special forces” to Odessa . Why?  Not because of the horrible atrocity committed by the thugs and soccer hooligans. No sireee.Kiev is pleased with bloodshed. As is the IMF. And Washington is pleased with those killings too.Since NATO's leadeship and it’s bank are pleased with the killing what else to do, but, guarantee more killing? The IMF all but stated Kiev had to get things under control or lose money.