Strategy of tension

Syrian voting in Lebanon- Day 2- Massive turnout

 After yesterday's turnout in Lebanon .....Syria. Ukraine. Election Spin? And more!Check out Day 2!  Pay attention to the flags the Syrians are flying? - NOT the flag initially toted around by the NATO backed terrorists/ mercenaries/hired killersNotice the language used by our NATO media? "Hundreds of Syrians" ?Look at that image? Would you ever use the wording "hundreds of Syrians" unless you were pushing a negative anti-Syrian point of view?

Syria: Bending Rules- "special tribunals" and specific exemptions

It is absolutely disgusting to ponder the perception management that the NATO nations, lead by the US, will engage in to create the  belief, that they are concerned with the well being of humanity. Anywhere. In this case, the somewhere were speaking of is SyriaOften, when reading through information it is difficult to comprehend the level of perversity involved in these twisted machinations.

China/Russia Banking/Energy deal- Cue Uighur bombing/attack!

This is lengthy,but, worth reading or I would not have taken the better then two hours to put it togetherRussia, China, Ukraine, EU, US, NATO it's all here...Uighurs attack! Bloody car bombing on busy market Absolutely not a surprise. In fact last night, I said to hubby something along the line of- I betcha there is going to be some sort of attack against China involving the Uighurs.

China gives Putin a diplomatic boost- Really?

China gives Putin a diplomatic boost  Weird headline?Why not- "China gives Russia a diplomatic boost"?  It would seem to be more sensible to speak of two nation states bolstering one another as opposed to implying an entire nation is boosting just one individual?It truly seems the western media is creating a cult of personality around Mr Putin.  Do you think there is

Syria: Lakhdar Brahimini resigns. Chemical weapons reporting spreads

I know everyone is caught up with Ukraine... it’s understandable, yet the situation in Syria is still in flux.In play, so to speak and I  simply can’t forget about Syria.  More news surrounding the continuing NATO destabilization of Syria It should not come as a surprise that UN Syria envoy Lakhdar Brahimi has resigned!