Strategy of tension

FEMEN- War whore psyop- "stabs" wax Putin

FEMEN is not a group that benefits women.The NATO media calls them a 'protest' group. They are not.Sometimes the media calls them a feminist group. I can go along with that if we agree the 'feminist' movement which had it's origin with Gloria Steinam & the CIA, was created to weaken/destabilize our society.  I can agree with the term 'feminist' in that context.

Syria- Assad's election win/Obama sudden change of 'mind'

Syria’s election is taking place today. Assad will, of course,win. Not because the election is rigged. Nope. He will win because the Syrians will elect him of their own free will.Since all NATO media is spinning against the Syrian nation and it's people I will link to an RT article‘Syrian elections show real Western contempt to democracy’

Lessons and Consequences of World War I: Back to the Future?

ht to KamNam for bringing this article to my attention.I finally got around to reading it last night KamNam and it was worth reading it, entirely.Interesting perspective. The Syrian history was totally new to me. Insightful Here is hoping the author, Andrew Korybko,(Master’s Degree student at the Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO) doesn't mind me posting every last word of his article.

Angelina Jolie on Maleficent- "I was drawn to the evil"

So, Angelina, the death angel was "drawn to the evil"?  Imagine my non surprise?After all this woman has hoodwinked ( to deceive by false appearance ) the world with her global do gooder facade.  Maleficent is, in my opinion, Angelina's inner being on display.Noticed, I didn't call it 'soul'? Why would I? That woman doesn't have one.Is she evil? I believe so.