Strategy of tension

US Backed Kurds Kill Protestors- Idlib/Hama Update

There has been an ongoing struggle between occupier and occupied in the north east of Syria.This was to be expected. Contrary to all the nonsense pushed through the perception managing media there has never been anything egalitarian about the Kurdish occupation/annexing force.Go back to April 29/19:  SitRep Syria: KurdIShIS/ Smuggling Syrian Oil for Usrael Arms/Idlib And Still More...

"Russia and Turkey landgrab 'behind fresh Syria bombardment' "

Post headline is actually the headline to a Guardian report: Opening thoughts:  It's interesting to consider the fact that the Turks look to be moving on PKK held territory north of Aleppo. At the same time as Russia and Syria are working another area.  In what, by all appearances, looks to be a limited strategic/targeted move. Coordinated? I think so.